Pepakura designer silhouette cameo
Pepakura designer silhouette cameo

pepakura designer silhouette cameo

The problem for me is that the pieces are being cut consistantly approximately 2mm to the left of where they should be.

pepakura designer silhouette cameo

VI Normal Detail parts by Robogenesis ), scale it, print it ( on my regular printer that is ), setup my pepakura and cameo ( using the registration marks and successfully 'reading' them, and cut out my pieces. Following instructions found on this site, and especially using Grenex's 'The Definitive Guide to Cutting Pepakura with a Silhouette Cameo', I've managed to download my model ( the Mk. I've been playing around awhile now with my Silhouette Cameo using the Pepakura for Cameo software. Hello everyone - thanks for reading this!

Pepakura designer silhouette cameo